ArgxGetArguments function

Retrieves the calling process’s command line arguments in the form of an argument vector. If the ArgX protocol is not in use, this function will parse the flat command line using the CommandLineToArgvW API and return the results.


BOOL ArgxGetArguments(
        PDWORD    pdwArgc,
        LPCTSTR** plpArgv,
        BOOL*     pbUserArgX


A pointer to a DWORD that will be initialised with a count of the number of arguments in the argument vector. May not be NULL.
Points to a variable that will receive the argument vector pointer. May not be NULL.
Points to a BOOL variable that will be set to TRUE if the ArgX mechanism was used to obtain the arguments and FALSE otherwise. If not required, may be NULL.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, it will return zero, with extended error information supplied via GetLastError.